Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Poem War is Kind by Stephen Crane Free Essay Example, 1000 words

The author says not to cry, though a soldier has lost his life (Crane). The use of figures in the poem enhances the visualization of the readers while reading the poem (Crane). Through this, the effectiveness of the objective in the poem is more enhanced. Analyzing the structure of the poem it can be determined that the stanza s of the poem end repetitively with Do not cry, war is kind . In addition, the opening of each phrase is with Do not cry further the author address mother, girl babes and mostly females characters in the poem (Crane). This shows that the author has repetitively made use of the female characters but with different names, such as mother, babe, and girl, etc (Crane). Crane in the poem makes use of constant repetition throughout the poem to draw the attention of the readers to a possible maximum point. The author makes use of sarcastic phrases such as War is Kind and Do not Weep again and again (Crane). The repetition of these phrases enhances objectivity by c hallenging the fundamentals of war. For example seen in the phrase Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind do not weep, war is kind. ..We will write a custom essay sample on The Poem War is Kind by Stephen Crane or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Analyzing the tone of the poem, it can be determined that the poet uses a sarcastic tone in the poem (Crane). This is because of the reason that Crane in the poem portrays the feeling and emotions of the people at the time of war; on the other hand, it relates it and says that the war is kind. In the poem, the author has stressed on the emotions more rather than explaining what he meant through saying war is kind .

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Honesty and Couragiousness in The Seed - 656 Words

There are very few honest and courageous people in the world. Honesty is the fairness and uprightness of a person when dealing with truthfulness. Someone who is courageous is someone who is brave and characterized by having a lot of courage. One who has the courage to be honest is someone who can achieve the highest glory and praise from those who surrounds them. In â€Å"The Seed,† there is a young man who shows the people in his community how just being honest made him receive the highest amount of authority. During the â€Å"The Seed,† the young boy was called along with all the rest of the boys in his kingdom, to meet with the emperor. The emperor made an announcement that he will be stepping down and finding someone else to take his place. For†¦show more content†¦When that same student gets into their field they may think that sometimes taking the short cut is the easiest way out, but that’s not always the case. Taking the easiest way out will show up in your work some point in your life; just like cheating on an exam will show up eventually during the school year in the rest of your work. For an example, a social worker cannot be a dedicated social worker if they are not honest with themselves about why they want to be a social worker. Some occupations, like social work, have people who take the easiest routes out of a situation because they do not really want to be in the field. They may have only chose it because they felt it would be the easiest occupation without researching within themselves and comparing it to how they really can handle certain situations that social workers have to deal with. One has to have the courage to be honest within oneself before you can be honest with someone else. One has to trust oneself before anyone else can trust them. One has to be courageous before they can influence others to be courageous. As a social worker there may be many different situations that can have one in a particular pla ce where they feel they should help another, but by doing so they will be breaking some of the rules of social work. Rules, meaning codes of ethics are principles by which are based on social work’s core values of service,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Critical Thinking Paper free essay sample

Music has affected the lives of youth Into their adulthoods from their conception. The popular genres of todays music test their audiences Innocence and willingness to buy into the lyrics, which are written to explain of a daily life that has digressed into drug use, sexual behavior, violence, and racial slurs. We Are Young, Funs current number one single on the Billboard Charts, dollies the essence of being young in a bright ballad.The chorus We Are Young/ So lets set the world on fire encompasses the stereotypical conceptions of Youths reckless behavior (Fun). Aided by the bright IANA in the background, and the background chorus, which evokes a sense of community, the song includes friends in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State, and begs that between the drinks and subtle things that a lover forgets the singer gave It to [helm/her] months ago (Fun). The youth exposed to such lyrical content have been documented to be more violent, careless, and irresponsible. The advertisement agencies that sell these lyrics are to blame for much of lyrical influence; however, the record labels who transmit these lyrics onto radio stations and produce artists content, must prevent the active influences of lyrics upon first review.Record labels must monitor and censor Hip-Hop, Heavy Metal, and popular music lyrics broadcasted to teenagers in order to reduce overwhelming influences of drug use, promiscuity, violence, racial slurs, and suicide. The incredible nature of musics influences embody each of its elements, as its melodies and harmonies possess immense effects even as they refrain from words that might seep into the subconscious and prompt anti-social behavior.In order to secure the success of their childrens future lives, pregnant mothers play Mozart in hopes that their babies might become as veiled and sophisticated as the piece (Voicele ss). These babies often do grow up to excel beyond their peers who may have devolved into becoming violent and reckless, as their mothers listened to Rap music during pregnancy (Box Juveniles); thus, the true impact of a songs lyrics is extremely significant.Rap music, the spoken division of the Hip-Hop Culture, which promotes rebellion in the name of a collective love for art and the loathing of poor city- life, preaches of the daily harsh lives of those in the ghetto. Rap music uses crude lyrics in order to mirror the crude quality Of rappers lives ; however, often forgetting of the diversity of its young listeners, Rap promotes the use of slurs in effort to explain inner city or underprivileged life (That). Rappers, often inner city African-American men, refer to their counterparts as the N word, and their enemies as f*got and d*ekes.Rappers identify the N-Word as a name of belonging that secures them into their black culture; however, rappers warn people of other races, particularly Caucasians, never to use the word (Westwood). Regardless, rappers have indirectly caused attention to the word, prompting other pop Culture moguls into accepting the word into their scapulars. DC Chalked, who identifies himself as a Sand N-Word used the word significantly in his single We The Best. Fat Joe, a Latino, defends his use of the word because everywhere, Latino and blacks are the same (Westwood).Youth listening to these artists are thus desensitizing to th e word, as adult idols embrace it as well. Jennifer Lopez, a Latin from the Bronx, used the N-Word in her hit Im Real (Westwood). Her use of the word created much discussion and unrest within the music community, however it also modeled the prodigious influence the N-Word has begun to take within the United States. Homophobic lyrics are extremely prevalent, revealing the sentiments of the artists who sing them as they reshape those of the listeners.Homophobic lyrics, often used as insults and words of caution, appear in each genre of popular music, appearing in the words of rapper Common to those of county music star Brad Paisley (Frederics). Kathy Perry, a rising Pop Star who aspires to epitomize individuality, sings our So Gay, a song in which she criticizes her boyfriend for acting gay. Perrys lyrics change the identification of on?s sexuality into a synonym for stupid acknowledging that her boyfriend is so ay [he doesnt] even like boys (Frederics).The song proves to be offensive to the boyfriend, but only because of the negative digression of the gay sexuality, which has become a synonym for stupid or cowardly (Wintertime). Homosexual youth are thus bombarded with these influences, becoming not only hated for their sexual orientation; but because of the negative connotations that gay implies (Wintertime). Mine, a rapper notoriously known for his seemingly homophobic behavior, has not ceased to accommodate to anti-gay lyrics.Admitting to his faults but covering for his rods, Mine says his homophobia manifests from a separate personality he embodies while he raps (Frederics). Regardless, Amines lyrics are extremely hostile and condescending to LEGIT youth, expressing in an appropriately named Criminal Whether youre a f*g or a l*z, Or the Homes, Herman, or trans-vest, pants of the dress- hate f*gs? The answer is yes. Amines lyrics pose a threat to youth, as he uses his popularity to advertise the antagonistic and dangerous values people have against homosexuals.In a recent study, 83% [teachers] said they heard [gay] being seed regularly [as an insult] and much more than its nearest rivals, b*tech (59%) an d SSL*g (45%) (Wintertime). Amines influences, as well as artists Of popular, reggae, and country music accredit to the unintended misery many homosexual youths experience as they deal with their peers. Women, viewed as a token of wealth by much of the music industry, are ill treated within the lyrics of popular artists, provoking violent aggression in their listeners.Verbally, women are disrespected and disregarded past sexual needs. Much of Hip-Hop and Rock culture has devolved into that of sexism, as such popular songs such as Smack That by Akin and Hoes and Ladies by T- Wayne portray messages that women should be treated as personal belongings and/or are only needed for a mans sexual satisfaction (Box Juveniles). Smack that, a song chronicling Axons feelings for a stripped at the club, identifies her as a club banger as she climbs up and down that pole/ Looking like one of them putty-cat dolls (Akin).T-Wanes Hoes and Ladies contains explicit curses and desires towards women, revealing to naive youth the limits to which sexual behavior is unacceptable a-Wayne). Axons Smack That, as well as T-Pains Hoes and Ladies encompasses the popular conceptions that women are only sex object s, meant to display their bodies for male admiration. In recent studies, the effects of Rap and Rock music have proven to be detrimental to the male view and appreciation of the women (Treason). Rap music proves to evoke violent and aggressive sexual thoughts in men, as well as a stimulant of sexual frustration (Treason).Speaking poorly of women in their lyrics, Rap and rock music promote the cursing and degrading of women, ultimately resulting in lessened male conceptions of women counterparts . While listening to rap and rock music, men are provoked to be more physically violent with women (Treason). In a study conducted by Elian Treason, men were found to use inappropriate gestures, and think much more of rape and the abuse of women. Heavy Metal, much guided by Marilyn Manson, is known for its compliance to anti- social values. Manson argues in The Reflecting God Who said rape isnt kind? (Lustiest).Depressed Youth, who often listen to heavy metal, are less likely to care about the values, and are thus prone to participating in such anti-social behavior. Regardless of the genre, the negative influences of the treatment f women in lyrics are dire and dangerous to the outcome of todays Youth. Apart from its influences with women, music lyrics promote aggression and violence in youth. Attributed with much of the blame for violence in youth, Rap music makes people more aggressive and devious in their intentions; however, Rock music proves to have an equal case for violence as its careless nature preaches of rebellion.Rap music poses for the generation of lost youth, who find their idols in the musicians they listen to and attempt to mirror their ways ; thus, listeners easily find themselves immersed into the years, wanting to do what the artists profess (That). In an experiment, twenty students who all disliked hot sauce were asked to listen to rap music. Half listened to music without violent content, and half did; however, all of the students were asked how much hot sauce they would give to a peer (That). Those who listened to violent music reported that they would give four times more hot sauce than those who listened otherwise (That). The results of the experiment attest to the dangers of rap lyrics, which can lead to car fights, robberies, and other antisocial acts. The rise in violent statistics is directly reapportion to the rise in fame of popular rap musicians (Bookings). The measure by which the violent influences of Rap is observed is statistics; however, much of Rocks influences can be identified in cautious events. AAA 1987 concert in SST. Louis of Guns and Roses, the classic Rock Band, resulted in a riot between 2500 youths the music excited and 60 injured (Orthodox Photos). Likely result of jamming which is the an unconscious phenomenon of the brain in which listeners lose conscious control of their minds and succumb themselves to the pessimistic images conveyed (Caching). The most alarming of these documented effects is the suicide of Thomas Sullivan, who, before his death, killed his mother and set his house on fire (Orthodox Photos). Thomas Salivas story is the ultimate extent to which music to which music can affect a listener; however,it encompasses the overbearing influence musics lyrics .Suicide is most prevalent in Heavy Metal music if any other genre, often speaking Of self-hate and the detriments of bullying. Marilyn Manson, one Of the more popular Heavy Metal artists, is thought to have aided Columbine, as his death lyrics to his bullies are thought to have encouraged the Columbine leers to murder 12 classmates, injure 24, and kill themselves (Catching). Heavy Metal Music proves to be extremely popular to depressed youth, as it speaks of revenge, murder, and death within its lyrics.Only seven percent of Heavy Metal lyrics include suicidal references; however, 50 percent speak of murder, and 35 percent of Satanism (Orthodox Photos). Oozy Osborne advocates suicide in Suicide Solution and Suicides an Alternative. Osborne sings of the fathomed greatness of death, relating to youth that no one cares. .. Suicides an alternative (Orthodox Photos, Suicides an Alternative). The depression, angst, and anti-social values the youth idealize, emerge from what they listen to, and the values Heehaw Metal reveres. Many other youth are encouraged to depreciate their lives in the form of drugs.Thirty Percent of songs on the Billboard Top Charts contain influences of drugs, devolving music into an influence itself (Parker-Pope). Rock and Roll ensures its glorified lifestyle in its motto Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. In much the same way, Rap music advertises drugs in speaking of the harsh reality of ghetto life. Fans of Rock, mirroring those of Rap, dress much like hose whom they idealize, and strive to do that that the idol does. Drugs and alcohol, therefore, are an indisputable element of Rock and Roll lyrics, and that of the fans lives of rock fans (Caching).Fourteen percent, however, of rock songs contain lyrical content of drug use, contrasting the eighty percent of rap songs (Reuters). Rap music is notorious for its drug influences; although it means to inform its audiences Of an oppressed and ignored culture, much of its audience is prompted to try and learn of the drugs it speaks of. Many rappers are endorsers of alcohol as well such as Tidy and Cirri (That). The culture of Rap and Rock music is much the same, and because of its influences, casual drug use in teens has jumped nearly fifty percent over the last four years alone (Lustiest). Within these lyrical drug influences, 14% of songs include Marijuana use, 24% include alcohol, and 12% of songs depicted other substances (Parker-Pope). The direct use of drugs in relation to the influences of drug use in music lyrics depicts the devastating influences lyrics have on youth. Sexual influences prove to be as overwhelming as those of drugs. Revealing to youth to the true consequences of their impressionable ignorance, teen regencies have become the results of music lyrics. Rap, Rock, and Popular music all speak of sex, as the limits to which modern lyrics extend to make their lyrics raunchy has exceeded extreme levels.Prince, the ass sex symbol, is no longer evocative, as the lyrics of today, which include, Tip Drill by Newly which is full of raunchy, demeaning lyrics (Bookings). Teen pregnancies are directly relatable to the music in modern teen culture. Lyrics found in music exuded to youth trigger impulses, encouraging youth to be much more violent and assertive in their desires (Treason). In a study, seven hundred 15 ear olds listened to sex related lyrics; two thirds listened to lyrics degrading sex, and one third listened to sexually explicit lyrics; however, after listening, almost all reported thoughts about sex (That).Teens listening to sexually degrading lyrics are twice as likely to start having sex than those who dont, crediting to the 51 percent of heavy listeners who have sex within years, in relation of only 29 percent of youth who say they do not listen to any sexual music (Associated Press). The statistics of youth pregnancies in relation to the music they listen to exemplifies the power of the lyrics in any societal issue. The desensitizing of youth as a result of the influences in lyrics would not be so immense if Record labels had taken action from first glance of the lyrics.The record labels determine the concept ion of the influence. Record labels hire the producers, studio artists, session artists, and advertisers. The creation of a single is meticulous and crucial to the amount of money to be gained; however, if each of the record labels agreed to refrain from including negative influences in lyrics, they wouldnt lose any business, and teenagers would have to relearn how to appropriately take care of themselves. Record Labels must monitor the amount of references of drug use in order to ensure the future health and intelligence of the future generations.Record Labels must also refrain from the amount of references to promiscuity in order to protect the futures of potential professional college educated men and women. In order to ensure that youth becomes of age in order stray from participate in drug and promiscuous behavior, record labels must revoke the influences violence. The revoking of racial slurs from lyrical vocabulary would ensure a safe environment in which youth could live. Record Labels just revoke racial slurs in order to ultimately guarantee safe lives.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Abdul kalam azad free essay sample

Abdul Kalam, is an Indian scientist and manager who worked as the 1 lth President of India that is from 2002 to 2007. Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram and Tamil Nadu. He studied physics at the St. Josephs College, Tiruchirappalli, and he continued his aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), Chennai. Dr. kalam is by no means a miracle man . His advice to the teenager of the nation is to dream dream and convert these into thoughts and later into action Dream, dream and dream. Then translate your dreams into thoughts and then into action is President Kalams favorite mantra. His life itself is an example of this philosophy rising from a fishermans village to ending up in the presidential palace and along the way launching a bunch of missiles and winning a few Padma (and Bharat Ratna) awards. His simplicity is remarkable, considering the presidential office in India still has Raj vestiges. We will write a custom essay sample on Abdul kalam azad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (They even had a person Just to tie the presidents shoelaces. President Kalam got rid of this humiliating practice. There are all kinds of stories of his mingling with children and giving them pep talks, and how he drove up to Mrs. M. S. Subbalakshmis residence to personally present her the Bharat Ratna award. He is everything we dream in the highest ranking Indian high- tech sa. n. y, passionate, secular, inspiring, hard working and approachable. If you dont already know, this bachelor and vegetarian writes poems and diddles with his veena in his spare time. Dr. Abdul Kalam, is additionally an acclaimed scientist. He is tremendously unobtrusive, delicate spoken, great mannered, unassuming and is true illustration of simple living and high thinking. He is an eleventh President of India and his rise to his present, desired post demonstrates the auspicious working of our extraordinary democracy system. Dr. Kalam is a man of vision and has elevated dreams for Mother India. Before long in the wake of taking pledge of office as President, he said to his comrades, proclaiming his purpose to make India an improved nation.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States

Introduction The United States is one of the countries that seem not to emphasize on corporate social responsibility (CSR). The American companies take long to issue reports on their corporate social responsibilities. The country does not have regulations that require all organizations to issue CSR reports.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Today, countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Netherlands require their companies to give CSR reports, especially the environmental report (Cecil 43). This does not apply in the United States. This paper will discuss how corporate social responsibility is considered in the United States. Additionally, the paper will discuss if the government and organizations participate in CSR and what the public think about corporate social responsibility. How CSR is considered The fact that there a re no laws that require organizations to issue CSR reports in the United States is a clear indication that the country does not emphasize corporate social responsibility. Nevertheless, many stakeholders are now calling on their organizations to issue reports concerning their corporate social responsibilities. Presently, many stakeholders consider corporate social responsibility as one of the business performance indicators (Cecil 44-47). A business that engages in corporate social responsibility is considered healthy. Consequently, business owners and stakeholders are changing their perceptions towards corporate social responsibility. Unlike in the past when Americans considered CSR as â€Å"giving back to the community†, they now use CSR to measure the success and growth of various organizations. The issue of environmental and energy conservation has become a major problem in many countries across the globe. This underlines the reason why many organizations issue environment al reports. The majority of organizations that issue corporate social responsibility reports in the United States are from the energy sector. In the reports, the companies explain the initiatives they take to conserve energy and the environment.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, many Americans view corporate social responsibility in terms of environmental and energy conservation (Cecil 50-52). Organizations may engage in numerous projects that help the society, but appear not to engage in CSR if the projects do not help in environmental and energy conservation. This underlines the reasons why many American companies strive to contribute to projects aimed at conserving the environment and energy. Government and companies’ participation The United States government does not engage in corporate social responsibility. The government has not come up with regu lations to compel organizations to issue annual reports concerning their corporate social responsibilities. Individual states manage their destinies, which makes it hard for the federal government to engage in corporate social responsibility. Campbell, Craven and Shrives allege, â€Å"The federal government can provide guidelines and try to push through federal laws, but this is generally fought tooth and nail by states† (577). Consequently, the federal government is unable to initiate corporate social responsibility projects due to resistance from individual states and limited financial resources. In many European countries, the citizens depend on the government when faced with challenges. Hence, the government always comes up with projects to help the society to address its challenges. However, in the United States, people do not depend on the government (McKee par. 5). The Americans take the initiative to address their problems without depending on the government. Hence, t he government becomes reluctant to engaging in corporate social responsibility. In spite of many organizations not issuing CSR reports in the United States, they engage in CSR programs. Organizations have realized that the public gauge their success based on their participation in social programs.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, many organizations have come up with CSR projects as a way to create a good rapport with the society. Additionally, stakeholders measure the growth and success of their organizations through CSR. Hence, many organizations are now engaging in corporate social responsibility as one of the growth indicators (McKee par. 7). What Americans think about CSR Campbell, Craven and Shrives allege, â€Å"When it comes to corporate social responsibility (CSR), consumers want more than aspirational missi on statements† (558). Many Americans hold organizations accountable for their CSR projects and require the organizations to give accurate information about their CSR commitments. Americans believe that organizations that engage in social corporate responsibility programs are trustworthy and reliable. Therefore, many Americans opt to do business with organizations that they are aware of their CSR engagements. Over 82 percent of the Americans claim that they trust organizations that share information concerning CSR activities and despise those that hide their CSR activities. Additionally, many Americans agree that they prefer purchasing products that reflect the company’s corporate social responsibility initiatives. Campbell, Craven and Shrives allege that Americans consider corporate social responsibility as one of the social norms that govern organizations (559-563). Consequently, organizations that issue CSR reports are seen to uphold social norms. Organizations that r eport their CSR initiatives have a good reputation in the public. Additionally, they make substantial sales as many Americans believe that the only way to reward such organizations is by purchasing their products. Conclusion The United States is among the countries that do not emphasize on corporate social responsibility. Lack of laws that require organizations to issue CSR reports indicates that the government does not engage in CSR. Nevertheless, the demand by stakeholders and the public to know how organizations engage in CSR programs is leading to many organizations issuing CSR reports. The Americans believe that CSR is one of the organizational trustworthy and social ethics indicators.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Campbell, David, Barrie Craven and Philip Shrives. â€Å"Voluntary social reporting in three FTSE sectors: A comment on perception and legitimacy.† Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 16.4 (2003): 558-581. Print. Cecil, Lianna. â€Å"Corporate social responsibility reporting in the United States.† McNair Scholars Research Journal 1.1 (2008): 43-54. Print. McKee, Steve. Corporate Social Responsibility: Distinction or Distraction? 09 Aug. 2012. Web. This term paper on Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States was written and submitted by user Jair H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

why the Australian governem in essays

why the Australian governem in essays The Australian Government intervenes for several of reasons in the economy to address failures in the free market. The government uses various methods or intervention in order to allocate resources , the distribution of income and the economic stability. The Australian government intervenes in the economy because the free market does not always provide the most efficient allocation of resources for the economy. There are many reasons that show this, the government does this so it can provide important things that would not otherwise be provided. They do this because some necessitys and goods and services may not be provided under a pure market system. The government does this so it can look after the economy much better and sometimes better for essential goods and services to be provided by the government. A great example of this would be the defence force, it is more safer to have a defence force in the hands of the government rather than to have a system of private armies.The government also provides regulations to prevent producers from exploiting consumers with misleading information or by agreeing to raise prices. That is one way the government intervenes in the Australian economy. Secondly the government intervenes in the Australian economy is in the distribution of income. Because the free market will not necessarily provide a socially desirable or fair distribution. They do this so people are able to live so the rich dont get richer and the poor dont get poorer. The government does this through social welfare payments and progressing income tax. Therefore social welfare payments is when the government redistributes income by taxing people on higher incomes more heavily than a person earning ends meat, and this money is redistributed back into the economy to the members that dont contribute to the production process. Some examples of the social welfare payments are disability pensions,...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Despite mare liberum as advocated by Hugo Grotius, in reality High Essay

Despite mare liberum as advocated by Hugo Grotius, in reality High Seas freedoms have been diminished legally by Article 76 U - Essay Example inner seas and steadily challenging the scope and range of mare liberum or freedom of the seas. For example, Ireland ratified UNCLOS III in 1996.8 Since that time Ireland’s continental shelf consist of three zones, which are either shared with other adjacent states or expanded by agreement.9 Ireland represents the consequences of the evolving international law of the sea in which states are increasingly expanding their coastal jurisdictions to include parts of the ocean once previously regarded as the outer/high seas as contemplated by Grotius’ mare liberum concept. ... Grotius’s Concept of Mare Liberum Grotius claimed that the law of the sea was dictated by the laws of nature and as such: Every man is free to travel to every other nation, and to trade with it. God himself says this spellbind through the voice of nature...10 In other words, the open seas are a naturally ordained method by which mankind is free to travel and to trade with one another. In justifying the concept of mare liberum, Grotius argued that just as there was property that man could possess and own exclusively: has nature willed that some of the which she has created for the use of mankind remain common to all...Law moreover were given to cover both cases that all men might use common property without prejudice to anyone else, and in respect to other things so that each man being content with what he himself owns might refrain from having his hands on the property of others.11 Grotius argued that natural parts of the earth have not and cannot be acquired and as such may not become individual’s property or the property of states. These parts of the earth must be used by all of mankind and by all sovereign states with no exclusive right to possession. In addition nature dictates that nothing should go to waste and as such no man or state should be at liberty to stake a claim in excess of the capacity to use it.12 Specifically, Grotius argued that air is common property and cannot exclusively be used by one person or state to the exclusion of all others. If a man or a state could exclusively claim the air, it would go to waste as it is designed for all of mankind to use. Moreover, air cannot be occupied, a primary requisite for