Monday, February 24, 2020

Alcohol and tobacco use in pregnancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alcohol and tobacco use in pregnancy - Essay Example A cigarette smoker is prone to withdrawal and nicotine addiction which makes the process of quitting smoking much difficult. Addiction is diagnosed when the smoking victim develops frequent use or compulsive seeking symptoms thus uses the substance without considering its adverse implication to health as well as other unwanted consequences. Alcohol on the other hand does not have addictive components in its ingredients. However, it depends with the mental perception of the person drinking. In this case, alcohol can be addictive in a certain capacity but does not have intense symptoms such as withdrawal. Therefore alcohol may be easy to quit with the right use of the correct mental and physical therapies. Smoking during pregnancy might result to a raise in future heart risk to the child. Mothers who smoke during the pregnancy period reduce the high-density lipoprotein which is also known as cholesterol in the baby’s body system. Cholesterol helps in the protection of the body against heart defects such as stroke and various heart diseases. Tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking have negative implication on the growth of the baby before and after birth. The weight of the baby after delivery is directly proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked during the pregnancy period (Stockman, 2012). The baby of a smoker may have an estimated weight of between 150 and 250 grams. The infants of smokers experience retardation in all gestation stages. Low birth weight of infants who are depicted to prenatal smoking is connected to low rate tissue development and fat-free masses. The use of alcohol by women during pregnancy has negative implications on the growth of the unborn child. ‘Fetal alcohol effects’ is a model used to refer to the aftermath implication of an infant in reaction to the alcohol in its system which is passed on to it by the alcoholic mother. One of the fetal alcohol effects is developmental delay and retarded

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Democrats vs. Republicans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Democrats vs. Republicans - Essay Example The Democratic Party is considered a liberal party but has also been described by academics, politicians and even the U.S. general public as progressive and center-left. However, in reality, it is a party with a large and multifaceted ideological divergence and features. The sectors range from the center-right conservative, through the center, classical liberalism, the socio-liberalism, the Social, union sectors, labor, progressive and left (Elder, p.268). Thesis Statement Democrats are the best for the future of the United States and its people. Stage prior to the Civil War Southern Democrats fanatically defended the institution of negro slavery, hence, most Northern Democrats dropped their heads and did not dare to oppose their fellow South, anti-slavery Democrats were unhappy with this party. The Democratic Party and Civil War When Southern states declared their separation from the United States to create an independent country (the Confederate States of America) and took up arms, the Southern Democratic Party became the political force supporting armed rebellion, and made criminals, responsible members of rebellion and treason. The Northern Democratic Party remained loyal to the Constitution and laws, and recognized the government of Lincoln, supporting the use of force to suppress the rebellion. The struggle against racial segregation and civil rights, and the "War on Poverty" President Roosevelt initiated a radical reform program known as the New Deal ("New Deal" to face the chaotic social situation. Roosevelt was a supporter of the free market economy; he was also responsible for the creation of the Minimum Wage in the United States. Moreover, he greatly increased public spending to fund its many programs to alleviate poverty, fight unemployment and stimulate the economy; however, he increased the taxes to achieve this goal (Wattenberg, p.205). When Democrat, John F. Kennedy, won the presidential election of 1960, what he did was to defend something whic h defended all democratic leaders left or right: equality between citizens of any ethnicity.