Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poverty Affects Student Education Essay - 1217 Words

Poverty Affects Student Education Catrina Smith COMM/215 August 4, 2010 Dr. Spann Poverty Affects Student Education What is poverty and how can we limit it in student’s educational success? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, â€Å"more than 11 million kids in the US live below the poverty line and do not have the basic supplies that they need to succeed.† Students all around the world are faced with many problems in their life at some point or another. Teenagers, sometimes have the difficulty learning and adapting to certain situations. This can lead to the problem with poverty and the ways in which the students have struggling efforts in the progression towards his or her education. â€Å"People in poverty face challenges†¦show more content†¦They questioned both children and adults on what they suspect are causes of this achievement gap. One comment among those made by the children was, â€Å"what hurts us more is that you teach us less.† Haycock concludes: â€Å"†¦we take the students who have less to begin with and then systematically give them l ess in school.† What also matters is effective teaching. Teachers must delegate their gift of teaching these students to continue to work through their hard living conditions. By being challenged by the teachers, the students can find that they have someone to push them in the right path of their educational success. Furthermore, teachers may find that their job has become harder due to the time that students dealing with poverty may need in the classroom. The point of poverty is not necessarily the child’s fault, yet teachers must be aware of their student’s financial situations and their history in order to better the student. One of the main goals to limit the effects of poverty in a student’s education should be for the teacher to make certain that all students are able to achieve. Teachers should be obligated to challenge the student’s ability to learn. This could bring forth action in the general pattern of poverty. Motiv ation is the key element in a child’s learning ability. Student’s living under poverty stricken conditions need the proper guidance from an adult figure in theirShow MoreRelatedPoverty Affects Many Students In Education, Although It1534 Words   |  7 PagesPoverty affects many students in education, although it does not always affect students in a bad way. Poverty can do one of two things; either drag one down or pull one out above and beyond. By being born in the United States of America a child rich or poor has the ability to succeed. There is no better way than using the education system to pull you out. People think when they re born in poverty you are stuck there. 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